Rookies point of view from Day 1 (Translated)

So a couple of days ago, Bob took me to a weird place that I thought it was a dog park because there were lots of dogs and people around but most of the dogs had leashes on. WTF is up with that? We get there and there are all of these two-leggers with dogs just standing around and I was bored in 30 seconds because there was no frisbee, no balls, just people standing around but in the other fence there was a bunch of "stuff" that dogs were running around and the two leggers were yelling.

So we are sitting there and Bob starts making this clicking noise and then handing me little pieces of food. Click, Gulp!, Click Gulp! Well that kind of makes up for the fact that I did not get any food today and I was hungry. Next he's calling my name and then it's Click, Gulp when I look at him and I gotta be honest because I was starting to get full and WAIT A FUCKING minute!?!? I think the two-legger talking pointed at me and said I was fat and I'm guessing she hasn't looked in the mirror lately because I know I can beat her to a frisbee every time so she should just try and put her kibble where her mouth is. Next Bob is telling me that I need to sit, then he's telling me to stand, CLICK! Gulp, NO THANK YOU mister, I dont want any of your stupid treats anymore after you say I'm fat why would I eat that I just want to go play frisbee because this class is for poodles and I hope all of you have fun with that crap because I am DONE with it TONIGHT!!!!!
